
Pay it forward is our small way to reach out to the wider community.  Each week a parishioner is selected to distribute $25 to a charity of their choice.  This is in of itself a small amount, but it is our way of giving back to the wider world from our small bounty.  The money for this comes from contributions and from money we as a parish raise from one of our projects.  

The Friendship Center (Soup Kitchen)  This Soup Kitchen is a part of the ongoing ministry of the East Hartford Interfaith Ministries (EHIM).  All Saints is a participating member of EHIM.

East Hartford Interfaith Ministries.  All Saints is an active member of EHIM which is a humanitarian effort of the various houses of  faith in East Hartford.  Efforts that are supported are food assistance, soup kitchen, homeless sheltering, fuel assistance and other financial aid for the needy. Office and Phone are:
(860) 289-4919
837 Main St
East Hartford, CT 06108

Healing.  Every fourth Sunday of the Month healing prayers are said for those who want or need them in the context of the Sunday Eucharist.  Lay Healing Companions conduct this ministry with the Priest.

Community Tag Sale.  On one of the Saturdays of May we conduct a community-wide Tag sale. Free space is offered to people to join in a large Tag Sale which we advertise.  This is a free service to the Tag Salers.  We have a large lawn area for this with plenty of parking.  We sell refreshments and give the proceeds to local schools for supplies.

Special Projects - On occasion we have special projects. We regularly collect Soup and Socks to distribute to the disadvantaged.  The Soup is to nourish the body and socks to keep feet and possibly hands warm in the cold. Occasionally we collect Diapers to distribute to needy mothers with babies.